Welcome to the David & Susan Benge family blog. This blog exists to share family news, whether it is interesting or not.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Friday, November 20, 2020
I just watched President Russell M. Nelson's message of hope. (President Nelson is the president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and a prophet, seer and revelator.) He encouraged us to #givethanks on social media and express gratitude daily in prayer. I will.
I have a few blog posts in unfinished states and feel extremely busy right now as I try to finish a project involving database development I am doing. I am not always filled with gratitude during such times. Instead, I think I often feel anxiety, irritation, disappointment and critical thoughts about myself and others. I am relatively certain that is quite normal.
Sunday, November 01, 2020
21st Century Wows and Woes
I geek out about modern technology a lot. I couldn't really imagine a technology career when I was a kid in New Plymouth, Idaho. I remember creating a program on a TRS-80, a "microcomputer", and saving and running the program from a cassette tape. We created a white humanoid (that's as good as you do with pixels larger than the type you are now reading) on black field waving, with words of greeting. I was told it was the future. I couldn't tell how.
Buckaroo Benge in the 21st Century. And Related Chimichangas.
I've always wanted to watch a football game at Layton Christian Academy. It is on the edge of the ravine leading down to Hobbs Reservoir below, and I find it very picturesque.
Friday, October 23, 2020
Footloose (Not Fancy Free)
Friday, September 18, 2020
Storm of the Century, Again
When was the last "Storm of the Century", where we cleaned up all the fallen trees and replaced neighborhood roofs? 2010? So, I guess we now get a Storm of the Decade.
I am very grateful wind doesn't blow any of our trees into our house. We lost a little roof cap, but otherwise our home itself is fine. And, unlike some, we measured our power outage in hours, not
Here are just a few picture at our place of the storm on September 8th:
Wednesday, September 02, 2020
Lovely Morning Cacophony
Yesterday morning I felt I need to record the sounds of the Benge household in the morning. It is pretty amazing.
The high school bus leaves before seven, so Lucy can't play her instruments Monday and Wednesday mornings anymore. But when she is around, we have five children practicing at the same time, and the neighbor girl that Susie is tending shrieks along with them.
Monday, August 31, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Home Work
Like many, I now work from home. And, things have been going well enough that the presiding Bishopric has asked us to pilot some work-from-home patterns to see what works, and we were asked to submit a proposal, following some basic guidelines. Our team has proposed to work from home every day except Friday, possibly coming in on Tuesdays if we feel we need more face-to-face meeting time.
My desk is in the downstairs family room, and it is really noisy sometimes, especially when children come over. But, I hate trying to get everyone to be quiet when I am in meetings. And, my set up is pretty sloppy. So, I took some steps to make my "office" more conducive to work.
I started by purchasing a very expensive set of Bose noise cancelling headphones, with speakers that also block out most everything except my voice. So far, they have been excellent.
Nothing Is More Romantic than ...
... the Complete Calvin and Hobbs:
Thursday, August 06, 2020
Valentine's Day 2020

Wednesday, August 05, 2020
Some Things You Might Want to See (End of 2019, Early 2020)
Bengester's Dictionary Entry: Ingratitude
Saturday, August 01, 2020
Abusing Charity
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Our Latest Release
Sunday, May 17, 2020
A Few Pandas Walk Into A Bar ...
Wednesday, May 06, 2020
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Fwd: Thoughts on cell phones, old age, & a warning to hide your beautiful daughters!
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Wes BengeJust a note to let you know that we are doing okay. Going a little "modlin", the British equivalent of "stir Crazy." But that seems normal. Now, I must forward some cartoons that I felt conveyed some important thoughts:I am the fellow on the right.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Mellow "Yellow"
My cousin, Nathan, has a nice set-up. Here is his daughter singing "Moon River". I don't even know where I could set up a place to record, let alone know where to get some decent stuff. I guess I need to make more money or get rid of few more children!
I hope Hannah can get with him and try doing some of her songs with a decent recording. It would be fun!
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Things As They Really Are (or Are Not)
A time traveling space alien walks into a bar, and says, “I was gonna tell a time-traveling joke, but you guys didn’t get it.”
Some recent non-happenings and happenings:
- I believe the Northridge High School production of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers should be underway now. Mrs. Coates is instructing everyone to be ready to perform it in the summer. Hmmm. Maybe. This announcement freaked Andrew out, but he had a good chat with her and will likely not be part of the production in summer, as he has other priorities.
Friday, March 27, 2020
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
In case you are interested, I looked at the USGS (United States Geological Survey) this morning. (I'm sure some of you already have!)
Friday, March 13, 2020
"Hanging by a Shoelace" or "Tied Up in an Emergency"
Sunday, February 02, 2020
Significant Digits
Here is something neat that Enoch drew during sacrament meeting today that I liked:
Monday, January 27, 2020
Position Deux Jour
I could have been a k-12 Prevention co-ordinator. However, I am so old fashioned, I spell coordinator with a dash. I "red" a sports article recently where the writer (Deseret News) used the word "lead" five times as the past tense of "lead." I think he has been misled (or is it mislead) about the quirks in English. Incidentally, my former superintendent made a presentation to the district's entire teaching staff, using the word "misled", twice. The word was on a large white board. He pronounced the word "mizzled" both times. No one seemed to notice.