Sunday, May 17, 2020

A Few Pandas Walk Into A Bar ...

Pandamonium ensues.

(Rimshot.) (After sending this as an email, I wonder if I should have titled the email "A Few Black and White Bears Walk into a Bar". Or does that add nothing?)

A bunch of sick pandas would likely result in a Pandamic, but my brain said that was 7.3% less funny.

I found some old notes from way back before the pandemic took over.

1. Enoch was really sick. He got sick again later. If anyone around here got COVID19, it might have been him. He was pretty sick for awhile. He is fine now. Allergies seem to be our biggest problem currently.

2. It off the fly. Susan said that. She had to do something spontaneously (off the cuff) while doing something (on the fly), and so she had to do it "off the fly". I don't know how she does it. I don't know if I could ever come up with something that clever, especially off the fly.

3. Be viligant. I forget who dislexified the word "vigilant", but I loved it. Did I just coin the word "dislexified"? I will use it again, real or not.

4. Noosepaper. I think that was spelling from Enoch or Esther, but I forget. Maybe it could be a term for when you say something incriminating to the press.

5. I thought it was a match and a scratchy matchbox. Again, I don't remember who said that, but I love the idea of a "scratchy matchbox". What do you call that strip on a matchbox anyway? A striker? I don't know. It's scratchy, though.

6. Not a single Benge sustained at Ward conference. At ward conference, no Benges were part of leadership groups that needed sustaining. Usually, a few of us are in a presidency of some kind. I don't know the last time that happened.

Here is my result from yesterday's yard work, with Joshua's help:
Six sprinklers and a few wheelbarrows full of dirt later, we are in a decent spot. But, I have so much more to do: one sprinkler is buried and doesn't come up anymore; our blue spruce grows out and not up so I have a sprinkler covered by it now; numerous are clogged and numerous are too deep; a couple need replacing. I'll get to 'em. Maybe.

Here is some of my slave labor from the week before:

Enoch is 9 now! I think this was his favorite present:
Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs are better. Gideon and Regan, I am glad you were there -- he felt very special.

Lucy has been working three-hour shifts at Cherry Hill doing grounds maintenance. I think it is neat that she has a job now. I hope she enjoys it. As I work from home, I am expected to take her to work and bring her home, which is kind of weird ... but I always want the break anyway.

Work is strange. Working from home is both delightful and difficult, and I think our team is learning to manage just fine. My boss seems to be paranoid and angry all the time, though. He is very difficult to work with. In fact, it might be better said that he is difficult to work around, as I find him to frequently be a barrier to our progress. I don't remember him being like this a few years ago. I'm worried about him. I am grateful he is not my king, or we would probably all be dead or in shackles right now ... as would our replacements!

Esther filled this in for Mother's Day:
You might have to zoom in to read it. By the way, my wife was born in Indiana, so "Indya" is pretty close, really. I love the backhanded compliment "youshly nice"! And, Susie does like "to be in carge" (charge), but I'm not sure it is her favorite thing!

Here is some of Miriam's sidewalk art, for Mother's Day:

It sure was great to see everyone at the Nielson's for breakfast!

And here is a little thought to close that I liked:

Was it a bad day?
Or was it a 
bad five minutes 
that you milked 
all day?

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