Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Keepin' Up with the Benges

How are you supposed to keep up with the Jones' when you can't even keep up with your very own blog?

I have some notes and photos out there, if you are interested. But, I don't have our anniversary trip, or anything on our son's weddings.

I can already hear you ask, "How can you take time to blog about a whiteboard drawing or misspelled words on the back of a van, but ignore important things you should put on your blog?"

It's elementary, my dear Watson (or Watdaughter, or Watever): simple things are much easier to put together than important things. Sorry about that.

Anyway, if you are interested, here are some:
Be brave and check some of the stuff out. Or be really brave and check out all my stuff.

Gotta go. I'm feeling a bit stuffy here.

Love to you all!

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