Monday, February 11, 2019

Esther Sunday

I shared a brief post of Esther's birthday party Sunday. I thought I would also share a couple of things she did at church the week before. These are IMPORTANT THINGS!

First, during the sacrament, Esther let out a massive, reverberating belch, immediately followed by loud giggling. It was pretty awesome.

Later, she asked me if she could bear her testimony. I don't encourage young children to do that, but don't want to tell them they shouldn't, so I usually just ask if they have an idea of what they want to say -- and if they don't, I encourage them to think about it.

Well, Esther had something very specific in mind: "I want to say that the Easter bunny is real."

Um ...

I suggested that such a topic might not be appropriate because it should be about Jesus. Which our testimonies on fast Sunday often are not about. But I really didn't know what to say. I mean, it would have been hilarious to let her do it, but my pride wouldn't allow it. And, I could just see the entire ward laughing uncontrollably while Esther stood at the podium confused and (maybe) embarrassed by the audience reaction.

She said she would say something about Jesus, and Rachel offered to go up with her. So, I figured that was enough assurance and let them go. As they walked up to the rostrum, I told Susan what she told me, and Susan's face ... well, it was something between "befuddled" and "angry" and "what-kind-of-a-weirdo-is-this" and "but-I-have-FRIENDS-here" and a few other emotions.  I told her it would be OK, and she believed me enough to stay in her seat.

And, it was OK. She got up there and went blank. Rachel whispered a few words and they came back down. It was a textbook child testimony. And I am still married.

Here are two more photos:

Esther with her favorite stuffed animals (an ostrich and two unicorns), while Marcus devours Miriam.
Esther gives a convincing and enthusiastic smile over her choice of dinner (chicken pot pie) and desired cake (a monkey, if you cannot tell from this angle).

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