Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Vignettes of the Various and Sundry

I am going to just share news you may or may not know, using the fabulous "bullet point" format to see how it works on the blog.

● Rachel's violin teacher is a very nice, LDS lady. Her husband was the previous bishop in a neighboring ward.

So, I hope no one told her that when she emailed all of her student's parents to give them information about the Christmas shirts they needed to order, she forgot the "r" in the word "shirts". It wouldn't help.

● A while back, Miriam had a group of friends go to Chick-fil-a while she was working there one evening. One in the group wasn't one of her close friends, but she knew her as one of her fellow performers in her choir troupe, Chatelaines

As they chatted, the Chatelaines member told Miriam that she looked a lot like one of her friends. Really? OK. She then interrupted again to assert that she really, really looked like one of her friends. Well, which one?

"Her name is Miriam", she said.

"I am Miriam", Miriam replied.

"Oh!" And every laughed. 

Miriam has no idea what her Chatelaines companion was thinking. Did she not know anyone who had a job or something?

● After church, we like to ask everyone what they learned about at church, even though getting the little ones to remember anything that happened more than two minutes ago can be futile. Esther is finally starting to understand the concept I think, but for many months she will tell us odd stories that seem to fit in to what might be taught in a lesson--but they are always tall tales (usually with the same characters every week) about some person who is tempted by something and then makes a decision. I might add that they aren't told as stories, either, but real life events.

After Esther regales us with a tale, Susan usually ask what her teacher talked about in class, and Esther doesn't know.

Well, not long ago, Esther went into her usual tale of temptation and trouble and finished. Susan then asked what her teacher talked about in class. Esther thought for a moment and then excitedly said, "Oh! I remember! We learned about not lying!"

I hope her feelings weren't hurt as her siblings erupted in laughter and she didn't know why.

● Proud of his math skills, Enoch confidently approached me after the change in Daylight Savings Time and told me the the clock was off by one hundred minutes.

● I bumped into an ad for the Hannah Maureen couch in the paper the other day. It sounds like I couch I would really, really like.

● Our performance of "If Christ Should Speak to Me" for Stake Conference was wonderful. I was really, really proud of my children. I felt the musical number did what a good musical number should do: help the hearers feel the spirit and prepare them for the word of the Lord.

When I stood to give the closing prayer, Elder Randall asked if I would like to sing it. What do you think he would have done if I had?

Ridgecrest bishopric 1st counselor, the hilarious and ebullient Viv Suarez, still teases me (publicly) about being Elder Randall's favorite. Viv is just jealous.

● Gideon did a great job as the featured speaker for Standards Night. I was glad he got the opportunity, too.

● One of my favorite mental images is Gideon baptizing Lucy as a proxy for deceased people in the Bountiful Temple. Little moments like that make life wonderful. Thank you, family, for providing a whole lot of those!

● Does everyone know I am now the 1st counselor in the bishopric? I am. My trajectory is up! And I hope the momentum slings me right past Bishop and into the primary somewhere.

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