... and asks, "Is this stool taken?"
You are welcome.
Not having a missionary out makes me lazy(er). There are a few news items I should share, and I will, I think, split them into two or three emails (and blogs), for easy consumption.
I apologize for not calling Hannah and Isaac. I thought you might be lonely, but every night, late, I think "Oh! I should have called!" I trust you two aren't super lonely. At least we had everyone around on Christmas Eve!
Hannah, did you get your car back? Is everything hunky-dory now?
Isaac, I heard your girlfriend broke up with you, but you were thinking you two ought to date other people anyway--so I am guessing you are not very distraught by that.
Gideon has finished up his UPS work. He has shin splints from all the running.
Here are a few photos from late December:
I put up the cuckoo clock Dail and Mary gave us today. We put it over the computer table. I wasn't sure where to put this gift, but I think we found a good spot by moving the picture of George Washington to the right:

This is Esther all awesomely decked out for Rachel's FHE lesson:
Choir pictures never turn out very well, but here is Miriam with Chatelains:

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