Welcome to the David & Susan Benge family blog. This blog exists to share family news, whether it is interesting or not.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Note from Tara
Hello Dear friends and family! We will be blessing Derek on Sunday, January 6th in our ward at 9 a.m. We have reserved our clubhouse afterwards for a little get together/potluck. Please RSVP to me and let me know if you'll be able to make it. We hope to see you all there!
Merry Christmas!!!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Jim & Lizzie Benge

This site has some Benge genealogy, including the above picture of Jim and Lizzie (James and Eliza), two of their (gulp) 15 children, and one grandchild. Jim and Lizzie are in the front with one of Thenie's (she is the pregnant lady in the back right of the photo) children. Thenie is their 15th and last child. Henry (#10) is in the back left of the photo. See any resemblance?
Lizzie was a Benge before marrying Jim. They are 2nd cousins once removed.
You know, that little kid's hair does sort of look like mine . . .
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
We love you all.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Sundry Benge Stuff
I am now a Church employee. I hope that is good.
Rachel turns 1 today.
And that pretty much does it.
This is an old Bob Newhart recording that I think teaches the Word of Wisdom in a funny way.
Here is some interesting math, if you want to try it:
It takes less than a minute. Work this out as you read. Be sure you don't read the bottom until you've worked it out! This is not one of those waste of time things; it's fun.
1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to go out to eat (more than once but less than 10)
2. Multiply this number by 2 (just to be bold)
3. Add 5
4. Multiply it by 50
5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1757 ... If you haven't, add 1756
6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born
You should have a three digit number.
The first digit of this was your original number (i.e., how many times you want to go out to restaurants in a week) The next two numbers are YOUR AGE! (Oh YES, it is!!!!!)
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Crazy quotes from Cherrie while under the "influence"
Anyway, it is interesting to watch someone "come to" after being under the influence of that medicine, because they are just so out of it, and don't remember what they said three seconds ago. As Cherrie came to, I had to grab a pen and jot down some of the funny things she said... pretty much in order of what was said first. It made me laugh so hard. She doesn't remember any of it though.
1- "Are they done already..?" ("yes", I reply) ... "that was fast!" (she said this about 10 times or so over about 20 minutes.
2- "I wanna eat" (repeated about 6 times or so)
3- "I wanna eat donuts." ("Donuts?" I ask)...yeah, a donut with a pumpkin on top... (I repeat this back just to make sure I heard her.. and she sort of mumbles "yeah" as she drifts off again.)
4- "Are they done already? ("yes") Did they all watch? ("I think so") I'm gonna charge them five dollars each... everyone that watched."
5- "I wanna go jogging... ("jogging?") ...yeah, jogging." (A minute or so later she came to again, and I said, "Hey, do you wanna go jogging?", and she gave me a dirty look.)
6- "Were they all there? Did they all watch?" (repeated 6 times or so)
7- "Is this the same room?" (repeated about 3 times)
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

So. here are our halloween costumes. we are going to be sacks of flour. the photos?....
we have wall flours, a bouquet of flours, fresh cut flours, and self rising flour.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I'm a Schwan man!
Sunday, September 30, 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007

I had to go to Seattle for training at work, and Cherrie wanted to come with me, so I arranged for us to go out there a few days early.
First I must thank Mom and Dad for generously offering to watch the kids while we went.
We had a good time and Devin got us a hotel with a deep discount thanks to his having access to hotels and being on the inside of the business. At first I wondered how it would all work out, since the hotel we opted to reserve was across the puget sound from downtown seattle. We stayed in Port Orchard, and it turned out to be wonderful (the first picture is just straight out about 30 yards from our hotel room door). The hotel was a five minute walk from a small ferry that brought us across the little bay to Bremerton where there was a much larger ferry that took us into downtown. (see 2nd picture of us leaving downtown on the ferry)

Friday, August 31, 2007
Dave Barry for President
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Pictures from the family reunion

Will everyone share their reuinion pictures with us? Not all of ours turned out that great, and we would like all of yours. You can send us yours and then we'll send you ours.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Schlenske news

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
I thought I'd give an update on me
Monday, May 21, 2007
our new house
Here is one before and after set, taken from about the same vantage point-


and another


Also, did I mention that I graduated?
Monday, May 07, 2007
Homeless Eco-Criminal
Our home is officially sold, as of Wednesday last week. We have until June 21st to move out, so we are houseless but not homeless. We expect to close on the
In semi-interesting news (though not too shocking), I am apparently an "Eco-Criminal" because I have a large family. Here is an excerpt from the beginning of the article:
Having Large Families 'Is An Eco-Crime'
HAVING large families should be frowned upon as an environmental misdemeanour in the same way as frequent long-haul flights, driving a 4x4 car and failing to reuse plastic bags, according to a report to be published tomorrow by a green think tank.
The paper by the Optimum Population Trust (OPT) will say that if couples had two children instead of three they could cut their family's carbon dioxide output by the equivalent of 620 return flights a year between
John Guillebaud, co-chairman of OPT and emeritus professor of family planning at University College London, said...: "The greatest thing anyone in
With 8 children, maybe Wes & Ruth deserve to be charged with an environmental felony. When I was a child, I remember being told that my large family was contributing to global starvation and depleting the world's resources so that the next generation would have nothing. That never happened and the world is now depopulating, but I guess it would have been a good thing according Mr. Guillebaud--to him, God's children are still a blight on the face of this telestial sphere. I enjoyed Mark Steyn's reductio ad absurdum:
In those terms, surely the greatest thing everyone in
On that note, I wish the women of our family a happy Mother's Day. I don't think I'm wresting the scriptures with my belief that the planet was made for man and not man for the planet. Children are a blessing and cure, especially when I see how our grandmothers, mothers and sisters raise them. May Father in Heaven bless you all for eternity!
Happy Mother’s Day!
Monday, April 30, 2007

Quick Question
When you get a chance, make a comment and let me know what you would like to do.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Benges on the Move
Tara and David Simmonds are now moved in, correct? Everyone OK there?
Kirk and Tara, if you get a chance, you oughtta post a picture, too.
Susan and I just had an offer accepted on a home in Layton. It is very nice and in a very nice part of town, just past Fruit Heights. It is pretty large and has 6 bedrooms and some really neat features like an intercom and central vacuum. I am having a hard time getting psyched, though, because I really thought the Orem home we missed out on would have been perfect, and would have been pretty close to family in Utah. But, if there is nothing seriously wrong with it (like our van not being able to fit in the garage), I think we will take it. Take a tour, if you'd like.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Steven Colbert
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Monday, April 09, 2007
That Was Fast
The buyer is Sean "Roombus" (spelling?) Hansen from Fountain Green. Dad knows him. Anybody else know him?
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Homely News
Tara and David found a home in Springville and are moving. In fact, I think they are moving a bunch of stuff today, but I don't know when they will actually start living there. Tara and David, be sure to send us all an email with your new address, phone number, etc. (you probably won't want to post it on this site).
It is a good thing they are leaving Mom & Dad's basement because our house is also now for sale. We have it listed by a realtor but are also able to sell it by owner, and I would like to offer an incentive to the family: if you refer someone to our home and they buy it without assistance of a real estate agent, I will give you a 2 liter bottle of pop (of your choice) and $250. You may be asking yourself how I am able to offer 250 clams. Answer: 1) that ain't nothin' compared to what a real estate agent will get (and please remember that we can sell it cheaper if we don't pay a real estate agent), and 2) I doubt you would be able to do it. Let the games begin. We are asking for $1.5 million, but have it listed for $268,000. I hope it sells.
I sometimes wonder if trying to get a bigger place is selfish, and if such a move is wise or not. After all, I bet Grandma and Grandpa Walker would have felt like royalty to put 13 people in a house as big as ours and let them stretch out. But, it seems like a good thing to do.
I'm not done yet. Kirk is also selling his home. He has found another, and the owner accepted his offer, which is contingent upon the sale of his home. Thus, I am certain Kirk would also appreciate you sending business his way. I don't know what kind of incentives he is offering, but I am sure a big hug and a vow of eternal servitude are part of the deal. Wouldn't it be great for them to have a bigger place before Cherrie's parents come over?
Last of all, I wanted to tell you about a young lady I met yesterday just as Mom and Dad were pulling out of my driveway. She asked how much I was selling our home for, as she was renting just down the road but was looking to buy. After I gave her the information, she told me she grew up in the house, and she wanted to know if it still had the raspberry bushes. She was glad to know they were alive and productive, and that four fruit trees had been added. I told her I'd give her a great deal if she wanted to move back. I was surprised to talk to one of the prior residents because they had moved to Wisconsin.
Remember: 2 liter bottle of pop and $250. Eternal servitude. Etc.
We love you all and pray for you daily. Don't be strangers, and don't be stranger than me.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Family Service Announcement of a Great Idea
I recommend we use this service. I am so very grateful that there are people out there using their brains and talents for good.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
I've been neglectful

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
A visit from porter
anyway, i am compassionate service leader in RS and a lady in my ward ended up in the hospital with vertigo. i went to see her and now she is my new good friend. she was wanting to go to utah for a week or so during conference time, but didn't want to drive the whole way by herself and wondered if porter and i would like to come along. so, as long as her vertigo gets better, porter and i will be leaving on the 23rd to come visit you all....except Krissy.... :( ♥. anyway, hopefully we will get to come. of course, i have only been away from daryl 1 night in our 2 ½ years of marriage....so it won't be the easiest thing i have ever done, but i am so excited to see everyone and to have porter meet you all! ♪♫
oh, speaking of callings.....i was daryl's assistant in primary, but now i am the primary teacher because daryl got released...he is now our ward executive secretary. his dad was made bishop the week before, and his dad's dad is a bishop in salt lake, so we tease him a lot that he is learning the ropes so he can follow in their footsteps.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Updated Blog
Good luck! May the force be with you!
FYI, for those of you without gmail, it is OK. You don't have to use it for anything, although it can be handy. I use it for my email address when I fear I will be getting a lot of spam for something, and it is great for that.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Be happy in Winter

I am writing to help everyone feel better about cold winters, except for Darcee, who doesn't have cold winters anyway. I love you Dar! Anyhow, two weeks ago is 40 below zero and our fuel in the van froze. We had to pay a bit of money to rememdy that. We were told to use more additive in the fuel and we already have block heater. But we are discovering that living in North Dakota is detrimental to vehicles. The last few days it has been either -40 or -50 with wind chills. Our van, once again seems to have gelled fuel. There seems to be no let up either. The forecast predicts the highs will not get above zero for a few days, and even so, the wind chills are extreme sub zero. The little Mazda's battery died from cold and now the brakes don't work. I guess from the cold too! Luckily, we feel very blessed that we have great friends that lend us vehicles or give us rides. Has anyone ever lived in a place that when you walk outside you get a gust of 40 mph wind that burns your face and within two seconds you think you have frostbite? I question why anyone ever decided to homestead here. Despite the fact that it is cold, we are all happy and well. We miss you all so very much. And I hope this update makes you all feel warm and cozy!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Blog Changes
Anyway, this free blogging site is now starting to push users to the NEW blogger. I am sure it is bigger, faster, smarter and will lead to world peace, but I haven't switched yet because it requires you all to get a GMail account. That isn't the biggest deal in the world, and the new log-in lets you create one very quickly. For now, I have not upgraded, but I think it is an inevitablility (and probably sooner than later). So, you may want to go ahead and set up a GMail account if you don't already have one. I will let you know when the change needs to be made.
FYI, GMail has a few good features to it, and I use it when I am at risk of getting spammed a lot.
sorry we've been absent

I "updated" my account and somehow made myself not a member of this blog page and couldn't post. I've tried many things to get back, and just couldn't. So, I finally gave up and set up a whole new account and now I'm back!!!! We are happy and mostly healthy (I think Porter is getting a cough). We need you cold people to come visit us. It is rainy today, but on Monday it was over 70 degrees! I do love warmer weather. Good job Cherrie! and Kirk! You guys are so motivated! Speaking of motivation, good job Kristin too!!! Wow. I knew I was a lazy person, but you guys make me look really really bad. Love and miss you! Hope we can all get together around the 4th of July. And....what's the word on Nikki and her kids' health?
Monday, January 29, 2007
Who wants to get their teeth cleaned?

That's RIGHT! It's Cherrie! And did you notice that her patient has a huge smile? Well why not? I think I would smile too if Cherrie were cleaning my teeth... unless I had bad breath, then I'd be too embarrassed to smile.
.......Or maybe it's just the Nitrous Oxide... Whatever.
The point is, Cherrie will graduate in July as a dental assistant. And she loves it. Oh yeah, and by the way, I'll graduate from my Masters program in May.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Where is everyone?

I am just curious why no one has blogged lately. For some reason I was just waiting so that I didn't have two in a row. But why? Anyhow, I'm tired and need to go to bed, but I am wondering how my family is? We love you all. Here's a recent picture of Little Ben promoting his favorite product.