Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Crazy quotes from Cherrie while under the "influence"

Cherrie was recently diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but just to be sure there were no other underlying problems, she had a colonoscopy as well. Well, as you know the medicine they give you allows you to be somewhat responsive, but makes it so you won't remember anything, so if they ask you to do something, like roll over, you can do it, but when the medicine wears off you'll think you were asleep.
Anyway, it is interesting to watch someone "come to" after being under the influence of that medicine, because they are just so out of it, and don't remember what they said three seconds ago. As Cherrie came to, I had to grab a pen and jot down some of the funny things she said... pretty much in order of what was said first. It made me laugh so hard. She doesn't remember any of it though.

1- "Are they done already..?" ("yes", I reply) ... "that was fast!" (she said this about 10 times or so over about 20 minutes.
2- "I wanna eat" (repeated about 6 times or so)
3- "I wanna eat donuts." ("Donuts?" I ask)...yeah, a donut with a pumpkin on top... (I repeat this back just to make sure I heard her.. and she sort of mumbles "yeah" as she drifts off again.)
4- "Are they done already? ("yes") Did they all watch? ("I think so") I'm gonna charge them five dollars each... everyone that watched."
5- "I wanna go jogging... ("jogging?") ...yeah, jogging." (A minute or so later she came to again, and I said, "Hey, do you wanna go jogging?", and she gave me a dirty look.)
6- "Were they all there? Did they all watch?" (repeated 6 times or so)
7- "Is this the same room?" (repeated about 3 times)


  1. Daryl can relate. When I had a scope done of my stomach I kept getting mad that they didn't offer me apple juice only water. (but they did. i don't like apple juice and asked for water.) daryl didn't even tell me how many times i got mad over that one. i asked multiple times for my diagnosis...what they'd found or not. And there were several other things i kept saying that i, of course, don't remember. the only really funny thing i said was in the car on the way home. I said or asked something and daryl informed me that it was about the 7th time i'd said it. I said "really? wow. now i know what dory feels like"
    daryl lost it laughing, but i was completely serious.

  2. Oh, that is great. It sure makes apprehensive about getting old and senile though. At least I hope I'm entertaining to those around me.



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