I "updated" my account and somehow made myself not a member of this blog page and couldn't post. I've tried many things to get back, and just couldn't. So, I finally gave up and set up a whole new account and now I'm back!!!! We are happy and mostly healthy (I think Porter is getting a cough). We need you cold people to come visit us. It is rainy today, but on Monday it was over 70 degrees! I do love warmer weather. Good job Cherrie! and Kirk! You guys are so motivated! Speaking of motivation, good job Kristin too!!! Wow. I knew I was a lazy person, but you guys make me look really really bad. Love and miss you! Hope we can all get together around the 4th of July. And....what's the word on Nikki and her kids' health?
great to have you back! What a cute little porter!