Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The Past, Present and Future Walk into a Bar. ...

 ... It was tense.

I just wanted to share some things that I didn't want to lose.

Following are some of Andrew's thoughts about his mother on Mother's Day. Our bishop asked him to share some experiences or stories. I appreciated his thoughts and was very grateful he took the time to do it. FYI, I found one part typed up a little weird, so I edited it.

One thing that always comes to mind when it comes to Mother being Christ like, but that is probably hard to share over a pulpit is her patience while I was going through medication changes, mental health issues, and side effects of medications. We were changing medications for eight years (from third grade to my junior year) and never during that time was I where I knew she wanted me to be. As humans we always have a "fix now" mentality with problems, and I can't imagine it was different for mother while I was growing. But she was patient, and gave me time to learn and grow. Even during the hardest times she always had the faith and hope to not stop trying. Something interesting at Zone conference that was said but very true is a missionary in a talk said, "We all know faith without works is dead, but faith without patience is pointless". I know it was hard for her, but mother keeping trust in Jesus Christ and his careful handiwork on me followed Christ's example, and helped us both grow more then a quick healing would have.  

Another christ-like attribute that I mentioned, and is very much related is Faith. Mother setting the example of going on a mission at age 21 when it was not required of her always showed the importance of it to me. I knew that both my parents had served, and both put Christ first in there life. But Mother's story always showed the trust she had in God. Serving [made] her life goal of having a large family [more difficult], and put her at risk of not even getting married. But she wanted to serve and knew it was right. She trusted that the family promised to her in her patriarchal blessing would be fulfilled, and so she served. The number of blessing[s] that still effect me every day because of her choice are innumerable. The prophets words that Faith can move the mountains in our lives can be shown by the faith of my mother and her family. I love her very much, and am grateful for her every day. 

Scripture study was a regular part of our lives. We didn’t go without it even with busy schedules, early morning seminary and failed alarms. I remember waking up at five thirty every day as a kid just so my brother could be there for scripture reading before he left [for early morning seminary], and it solidified the importance to me.

Going way back, I don't think I posted anything about Esther's birthday or the Daddy-Daughter Dance on the same day. How about some pictures? (I noticed this is back before Andrew left to serve a mission!) (Oh, and if I want to post something about Valentine's Day, I will probably want to do that separately!)

Before school was out, we had the typical flurry of concerts and parties and gatherings. No graduations this year. Here are a few things worth remembering:

Joshua played the guitar for "Blackbird" by the CDJH 7th grade choir. He stood out in other ways, too.

I will not post the video I took of Rachel singing with Central Singers, as her solo went off the rails a bit (not helped by the non-rhythmic beat-boxing that went wayyyyyy of the rails). But, she was first chair violin in orchestra and received the award for the outstanding orchestra student. Well done! I will post one of her orchestra pieces and a pic or two.

Rachel plays a medley from Enchanted.

Rachel during her Social Dance final.

Lucy had a successful year singing with Chatelaines ... until she lost her voice! She will be singing with Excalibur next school year. Congrats! This is Chatelaines singing "Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel".

On Memorial Day we visited my parents, did some swimming and visited a couple of relatives' graves. We didn't make it to Ken & Lois Kenworthy's resting place, but we did see Dail and Maureen Nielson's and my brother Devin's grave markers. I had only seen pictures of Devin's.

After fixing the water softener soft (it is working really well now) I turned my attention to another plumbing issue: my secondary water filter and lack of accessible shut off valve.

I decided I needed a disc filter, as the mesh filters were very hard to clean because of all the plant material and slime. I would have to take the mesh out, which was difiicult to get off, and even after washing it in the sink I still had problems. And, I needed even finer mesh, as my sprinklers keep getting clogged. My disc filter is much easier to remove and clean. I originally planned to do it above ground. I probably should have, but I decided to keep it all in a typical box. I also added pressure gauges. I took some pictures, and I know it doesn't look fancy, but it was a LOT of digging and cutting and pipe gluing. I am putting some pictures of the process, if anyone cares to take a gander.

Oh, and I also used the old softener's brine tank for a raised herb garden:

The stumps you see above have been ground down now:

Saturday, I moved a bunch of the wood chips over to the raspberries.

I also finally used an edger, a trimmer and a shovel to clear away grass and weeds that had greatly encroached on the sidewalk. I took a picture after, and you can see the stains on the cement where soil and vegetation made their way:

Miriam found a nice little apartment in Clearfield and moved out of our home. Her stove is so cute it reminded me of an Easy Bake Oven.

Our ward is back to hosting an annual car show again, and the turnout this year may have been the best ever. I had some great conversations inviting both those bringing cars and those just interested in looking at them. My current calling is the ward mission leader, so much of the this event's turn out is on me. But neighborhood friends come through every year, and also invite others, so my burden in much lighter than one might think.

And last for this post -- and I realize this is not big news but I do consider this some kind of milestone -- for the first time in 15 years, there is no junky old bunk bed in the first bedroom, where Enoch sleeps. We are moving beds and changing things up a bit. I hope to have an office sometime soon!

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