Quick updates/thoughts.

Older children might remember my friend Keith Stearman. We spent a night at Beck Locey's Bear Lake Cabin once with Beck's family, and Keith and his wife, and my previous boss Ken. Keith is a large man. His wife is from Italy. I remember we sang for the group the evening we were there. Keith owns a software consulting business, and has been leading and assisting us at work.
Over a year ago (um ... I think it was even before the pandemic shut down) his foot became infected. He doesn't talk about it much, but I believe the infection is resistant to antibiotics, and flesh-eating. Having Type II Diabetes (like me!) and poor circulation in his feet makes it worse. He's been visiting a doctor twice a week to fight this infection: cleaning, trimming away dead material ... .
For some reason today, I was reminded of Susan's great phrase when she was trying to remember a phrase with which she was unfamiliar. The phrase she was trying to conjure up was: "If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride." I don't remember who was there when she said it, but I thought I would share it so we can all remember (and giggle). Her remarkable saying was: "If wishes were fishes, we'd all live in Spain." I don't get it, but it sounds terrific, and brings to mind clever phrases from My Fair Lady and a sock/fish named Abode.
Tonight was STEM night at the elementary school, and I took Enoch and Esther. Enoch was excited for the "egg drop", which I shared on Marco Polo. Didn't you like the solution? Don't worry about the egg being super protected from a fall: just find a way for the egg to drift slowly to the ground.
Here is a picture of Enoch showing his contraption, and one of Esther making elephant toothpaste:
Speaking of Esther and of now speaking of speaking, Esther is giving a talk for a youth session of Stake Conference this weekend. I think she will do very well!
Esther and Rachel had violin graduation this week, so both are progressing nicely as they make beautiful music. Rachel also has a drivers permit, and I need to get her driving.
Lucy is now rehearsing a dance from The Music Man to perform at the Utah Musical Theatre Awards ... but apparently Mrs. Coates was hospitalized with a nervous breakdown.
Joshua is loving track and has another meet tomorrow evening.
And we will be striking the set Saturday. And having our neighborhood clean-up. And stake conference choir practice. And attending our stake conference. And ...
And I love you all!
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