... full of ice cream, cherries and nuts and says "I think I better split."
That is a DVB original!
1. Rachel just got a new 3/4 size violin. $Cha-ching! She is still much shorter than Lucy, but, if hits a growth spurt at around the same time as the other children, she will move to a full-size violin next year. $$Cha-ching!
2. I forgot to tell you more about Andrew. I have said some glowing things, and need to balance it out by telling a story about what a dough-head he is.
A Teachers quorum adviser passed out some samples of a cool fire-starting trick he learned: he rubs petroleum jelly into cotton balls, then dips the balls in beeswax (he has bees) or paraffin wax. To start the fire, just bust a ball open and light, and it will burn for minutes. He gave everyone a ball and told them they could try it out.
I am a male, and I have been fourteen. Being fully aware of that, I immediately reminded Andrew that he could "try it out" when I was with him, to make sure he didn't cause damage to my house.
So, the next day while I was at work, Andrew lit a ball on fire ... on our plastic outdoor picnic table. The cavity is dark brown, but didn't go all the way through before he figured out that fire causes damage.
3. To swing the pendulum of praise back again, Andrew went the extra mile Saturday cleaning up the basement by going through all the toys, weeding out broken and obsolete toys for the children.
4. Miriam's friend, Hunter, just had surgery to insert a rod in her spine to correct severe scoliosis. After the surgery, Miriam Face-Time'd her at YW, and I came by. Hunter seemed a little loopy from medication. The YW were doing "Just Dance", so I told Hunter she should come by and join us. Hunter said something like "Well ... I don't think I can right now ..." in a dreamy voice. Loopy.
5. Mom and I went to the temple Thursday night, and Andrew Achter was one of the officiators, leading us in prayer at the end. It was great to see him! I also bumped into a friend of mine from Dixie College, whom I haven't seen since I stayed at his parents' place for about a week while looking for an apartment in SLC.
6. Congrats to Isaac on getting a job at Troon Privé. As it is a private club, I don't know if we will ever be able to join him for dinner there, but I will try!
7. Friday we went to the Centerpointe Theater production of To Kill A Mockingbird with Shane and Jen Dimon. The production was very, very good. Shane Dimon is on the High Council here, and served in the England London South Mission with Susie. They moved here recently from Texas and are wonderful friends.
8. Andrew's performance at Abravanel Hall was terrific. 460 junior high students sang their hearts out for guest conductor Michael Huff, who is the director of choral music at Snow College.
He is a very positive and enthusiastic musician. I wish Miriam would go to Snow and sing for him. I don't think she will.
Here is Andrew with some friends and the conductor:
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L to R: Emily Nelson, Ruthie Wood, Spencer Quantz, Andrew Benge and Michael Huff. |
9. And Esther is super wound up right now and I wonder if she will ever go to sleep. She often stays up late playing, singing, giggling, etc.
Today was a very spiritual and good ward conference, and I always want to preach the good word after these things, but then decide it isn't worth the effort to try to type it up. (Yes, I am a wimp. I exhaust myself just thinking about it.)
So, for now, adieu. I love you!
In this post I tell the story of meeting Andrew Achter as well as an old friend from Dixie College. And nowhere did I post that my friend's name is Dave Nash. Sheesh. He now owns Autobahn Motors in Bountiful.