Thursday, April 10, 2008

It's a Boy

So, found out today we are having a boy. So far my pregnancy is going fine. It was just about this time that I started getting sick with Porter, so we'll see if this one goes better. I did get a really really bad cold that lasted almost 2 weeks, then Porter got a 24-hour flu...which he passed on to me. But we seem to be over those now and are pretty much healthy. Right now the Dr. plans to do a c-section about a week before my due around Sept. 4-ish. We'll see what really plays out. Daryl is well and working hard as always.....2 evenings of school at ASU, homework, regular work, and lots of home-improvement projects.....the latest being trying to figure out how to get rid of the gopher we seem to have just acquired in the back yard. Porter gets smarter and cuter every day. He knows most of the letters of the alphabet....not written, but signed. It's cute. And he now counts to 10 on his own when he wants to play hide and reminds me so much of Toby when I first moved here! He's a handful, but fun. And I'm so excited that we are having another boy so he'll have a buddy to play with! Guess that's about it. come visit!!!----okay maybe wait awhile...we'll already be hitting the 90's next week....but if you wanted to come swim in an outdoor pool somewhere, you could visit!


  1. Rad, rad,
    Thanks for calling the other day. It was fun to talk to you. Congrats on the boy. I like boys! We had tons of gophers in vandenberg and the best thing to do is water them out. Just leave a hose in the hole for awhile. If that doesn't work, people said to pour lemon juice down it. We never did that, we just watered. Love you.

  2. Sounds like all is well. Good luck with the gopher. I guess watering might work sometimes, but if you have long/multiple burrows, it won't work well. I tried everything for my gopher. The poison gas bombs don't work, just so you know. I finally bought some bait. I poked around into various holes and chambers and left poison bait in about 7 different places. Long story short, no more gophers.

  3. You know, Bret and I were expert gopher killers. We used poison pellets that killed moths and other bugs that worked well out at Barker's farm. We also used traps on our farm. Traps are great as long you you don't forget where to put them--otherwise you pull up some furry meat covered with maggots.

    Am I helping?



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