Monday, May 15, 2006

Susan Is Pregnant

I keep thinking that I need to write and update everyone on everything that is going on. Not gonna happen. So, I will just blurt some news in the title.

Oh, I guess I could say a thing or two more. First: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!

A bought a little Ranger pickup that is requiring much more work than I thought. I also sold PutterButt (or however Darcee spelled it) to Pick-n-Pull, along with another old truck. I recommend them--they actually give you money for your car. (I got $141 for PutterButt.)

Awhile back we went to Disneyland. It was very busy but we had a very good time. If any of you are going, there is one must see attraction: Turtle Talk with Crush. You need to see this. Don't quibble with me. You need to see it. Go twice. Trust me. It is the best thing there.

Andrew really wanted to go back to Disneyland the other day and insisted that I take him RIGHT NOW. I told him it was really far but that I would be glad to go on a walk with him. He was excited and got his shoes on, and insisted that we were now going to walk to Disneyland RIGHT NOW. I admire his determination. I do not admire his grasp of reality. He also dug a large hole in the back yard and insisted that I help him build a house for Grandma and Grandpa Benge there. I fear that the next few years of my life will be spent destroying this child's dreams.

We also still have 5 other children, and like them most of the time. I still have a job. Life is pretty good. We love you all and wish we could see you much more often. We think it is cool to have the Adsits closer (even though it seems like we never get to do anything). It was great to see the Schlenske family recently and we think they should drive over more often. We were glad the Johnsons came to Fairview, too. You are good people to be with. Take care of each other!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Congratulations! When is baby due? We love you!


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