Yesterday was KC's first birthday, and I got to celebrate it with kidney stones! Actually, my kidney stone problems began Sunday afternoon when I was struck by the extreme and debilitating pain that only a misplaced rock can cause. Cherrie drove me to the LDS hospital emergency room, where after a mere half-hour of consent forms, insurance forms, emergency contact forms, next of kin forms, etc, etc, etc, I was FINALLY given some much needed pain medicine! In addition to the wonderful benefits of relieving my pain, the medicine also made me feel joyful, exuberant, and energetic, and sort of made everything feel a bit wavy and two-dimensional. I was very happy; Just ask Cherrie.
After a CT scan and other tests, it was determined that I was indeed suffering from a stone in my kidney. How did it get in there you ask? Well, my personal theory is that someone who obviously dislikes me very much must have hired a witch to cast a spell on me. This spell somehow involved the magical relocation of a very rough and pointy stone out of my garden and into my kidney. That is the only logical explanation I can think of.
I thought I was fine though after the pain medicine wore off, and I had no further problems until Tuesday afternoon, when the pain hit once again. This time however I was prepared. I immediately took TWO Oxy-somthin-or-ruther pills that the doctor had prescribed, and within just a few minutes I once again found myself in the pain-free, floating happy world of La-La Land.
Grandma and Grandpa stopped by later to wish KC a happy birthday, and we all went out to eat at our favorite little Vietnamese restaurant. I think they enjoyed a minty, vegetable-filled treat. Devin too stopped by even later, and we stayed up late watching Twister with him and THEN he slept at our house.
I guess that is the news from the K and C Benge family.
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