Saturday, June 19, 2021

Obituary for Devin

I was asked to write the obituary for my dear brother, Devin. My parents and brother, Kirk, had some good suggestions for me. I even called his former spouse, Racheal, to see if she wanted to be included in the "survived by" section. She did, but not if Katy objected ... and when I contacted Katy she felt like Devin would have preferred that not be included.

Anyway, here is my brief obituary, along with photos that Kirk sent to possibly included in the slideshow on the mortuary web site:

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Brief Thoughts on This Side of the Veil

I lost a dear friend today: my little brother, Devin James Benge.

I think I am still in a bit of a state of shock after getting the news early this morning, so I don't feel like sharing a massive amount of cathartic information right now. Most of my thoughts have been on how we might serve his sweet wife, Katy, and help his young son and soon-to-be-born child.