Friday, April 26, 2019

Straining At Digital Gnats. Or Swallowing Digital Camels.

There's an appropriate analogy in there somewhere.

I just realized I haven't sent any pictures or updates of Lucy in the musical, or Easter fun, or the Passover feast we did this year, etc.

It all started when Regan asked me to find pictures of Gideon, and I wanted a couple of small video clips. Which led me back to wanting a way to find this info, much of which is on my old NAS box in the furnace room. Which has been dying and having a hard time working, and is really slow. So, my video needs to be saved to Dropbox or some other storage. So I need to collate and correlate all my repositories. Which means I also need to be able to share them. Which leads me to the fact that I don't have enough space on my laptop. So I need to save them to another computer--or another NAS box: (NAS stands for "Network Attached Storage", FYI, BIULA, which I just made up, "Because I Use a Lot of Acronyms"). Which leads to our two home computers that are disastrously slow for some reason.

Anyway, I find that once again my entire walnut-size brain is consumed with digital tech issues both at work and at home. I was up until 2 AM last night fixing "Old Blue", the big computer that I updated with some cool hardware ... and then never really lived up to my own personal hype. But I need it! I gotta share! (FYI: I think I actually had some success last night. STIULAAPT: "Sorry that I Use a Lot of Acronyms and Parenthetical Thoughts".)

And, I've spent a lot of time getting Dropbox running on my NAS box and trying to get started on what I need to save and keep.

And that led me to some Plex experimentation that I hope works. Right now, if Old Blue is up and running, it is my "Plex Server" which will allow me to share all my music, photos and digital content. So far, so good. If it works, I can share it with you and you can consume it at home.

Anyway, I started typing this post just because of this:
Xfinity is warning me that I am going over my data usage allotment. Amazing. I don't think I've ever gone over 300 GB in a month. And this month we have watched very little media over the internet. Almost all of April's usage has been this last week as my different machines share a bunch of content. I've been frustrated and how slow everything seems to go. But, THAT IS A LOT OF DATA! (Or, TILD!)

I'll try to share interesting things later.

Love ya!

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