Let's start at the feet.
The newest member of our family! We didn't even have a funeral for the old Amana: Andrew and I just tossed him in the dumpster and walked away.
Two days ago, Rachel thought it would be awesome to put Esther on top of the exercise ball. Which was on top of the futon mattress. Which was on top of the high, built in bench in the basement. What could go wrong?
Esther hasn't walked since. But, her foot doesn't hurt as bad as it did the day of the accident. The doctor told Susan we could wait a few days before getting an x-ray. My best guess is she has a green-stem fracture in her foot somewhere and will need a cast for a little while.
Today, when I got home, Esther stated matter-of-factly, "I found out why Rachel broke my foot. ... She wasn't thinking."
Our poor dryer has suffered for many years. We bought it when we were in Manti, I think. It is a relatively small size that we routinely overloaded. It is also a comparatively cheap brand and model that doesn't rate real high in Consumer Reports. And, the last few years it has thumped and struggled, and now it was having trouble heating--probably just needed a thermador. (I saw that in Google. I am guessing it means a bull fighter who is on a roll.) The unit is so old it needs lots of things replaced, and the parts are hard to find. Keeping it on life support was not merciful (and probably not cost-effective).
So, voila (which, I learned from i-R0k in Ready Player One, is French for something like "Guess what I learned today?"):

We bought the 4-yr-old LG dryer from a guy in Roy. I had been looking and getting no responses from used dealers and such (who usually want to sell a set). After a long day at work I decided to look again in KSL classifieds and found this dryer posted about 8 minutes prior.
It has been in storage for a while, and is a bit beat up. I hope it works well. When it started, it made a smooth, metal on metal sound, but after rotating for about 2 minutes the sound went away. I hope it works for a few years. It is much fancier than our old one, and even does a steam dry.
Let's talk about broken cars!
The Honda Civic suddenly overheated a couple of weeks ago. I had it towed and had the radiator and a bunch of surrounding parts replaced. Then it started slowly and erratically overheating again. I was then told there was a leak in the head gasket. Great. Tunex says that'll be over $1600 to replace. It takes a lot of effort and expertise to do it. Do I want to slowly abuse my friendship with Tory Mesmer and try to do it over the course of forever? Do I try to trade it in and go into more debt and get something better? Do I borrow money to fix it? I just don't know.
It is crimping our lifestyle, though!
I love you all!
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