Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Chess Wizards

Well, it never ceases to amaze me as I watch how childrens' brains work. They are completely motivated on their own to do things they want to do, though at other times, if you try to get them to do the same thing it is of no interest and is like pulling teeth. Jeff, Will and Abel spontaneously cleaned an entire room, the dining room, on their own today. They swept, dusted, vacuumed, polished and decorated. Why? Because they were making a chess museum. Yes, a chess museum. Along with the seven chess sets they set up, one of which is the prized glass chess set grandpa sent, they spoke in quiet museum voices, listened to classical music, and worked like professionals. The only thing missing was them quoting Shakespeare to make for a truly remarkable scene to behold. Here is a video for your enjoyment.

1 comment:

  1. haha cute! Maybe than can transform my entire house into a chess museuml, it needs a good cleaning and some fun fall decor :) Love you guys!!!


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