Just got back from a "growth" ultrasound. So, we are exactly 8 weeks away from the due date, and they estimate this little guy weighs about 5 1/2 pounds already. (the norm would be to hit this weight in 4 more weeks) We had an ultrasound with Porter to find out his size just before he was born (six weeks early) and they estimated that he weighed just under 7 pounds. Two days later he was born at 7 lbs 15 oz.....so I'm guessing this little guy might be a bit bigger than they are estimating. Maybe technology is better now. Either way, unless he comes early, the little newborn outfit I bought for him to wear home from the hospital is going to be too small! But his little ultrasound pics look very much like Porter's did. So, hopefully he's a cutie. I keep saying that for all this pain and trial he has to be as cute and as smart as Porter! I am doing well though. I'm being really good about the diabetes diet I am on and it's helping a lot....with how I feel. Just not quite as exhausted, or hungry, or thirsty as I was before. The glucose levels still aren't quite down to where they should be, but I'll find out more about whether I need to be on medication in the next week. I'm still on partial bedrest just to make sure my blood pressure doesn't get too high. It seems fine, but I don't want to have to be on magnesium again for pre-eclampsia. That was awful. It looks like we may be able to do this one planned and not emergency. Right now it's planned for Sept. 4, but since baby is big, and daryl has school that day, I'm going to talk to the dr. and see if we can switch it. We'll see.