Sunday, May 11, 2008

Take A tour Without a Top Secret Clearance!

Here are two links to the "Today Show" on MSNBC's website. Al Roker is doing a series called "Access Granted" in which he and the cameras have been given special permission to enter and film what would be normally highly secure and sensitive areas. In these links he travels to Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana and interviews Airmen who work directly in the Nuclear Deterrence mission in defending the United States 24/7 365 Days a year. The second link is what I actually do, although Al didn't interview me or come to Minot. The mission and capsules are pretty much the same. This is the first time the Air Force has ever allowed live cameras in a Nuclear Launch Control Center.
Now, if you would like your very own personalized tour, just head our way and I will gladly accomodate you. But seeing how that won't really happen and is only wishful on our part because we miss all of you, enjoy the links.

Edit post by DVB: I think I found it.


  1. The second link appears to be the same. Please fix it! This is very interesting!

  2. That is soooooo cool. Even the john. At least, I thought it was cool. The two Today show ladies didn't seem to think anything was interesting and simply asserted that it was "scary." Are they claustrophic, or just freaked out by the thought that nuclear weapons actually exist?

    Anyway, that was pretty neat to see. I still wanna personal tour, though. I just haven't figured out how to do it yet.


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