Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Benge Family Blog

Benge Family BlogToday is Tuesday, Dec. 12. This is grandpa writing. Ruth and I are at Kirk & Cherries and will be all week. Kirk had some special training to attend in Dallas, Texas. (He is learning to run some special computer aided machine that will help him identify strange, obnoxious-behaving life forms--his family background made him an obvious choice for such training.) Mom and I came up here to be sure KC was fed. Now Kianna is babysitting all of us. We will be here the rest of the week, or more correctly, we will be staying three days then taking the kids to our place for a couple of days, and then returning to pick up Kirk and Cherrie at the airport. Mom encouraged Cherrie to accompany Kirk. I am sure that is wise. Now, I would encourage Kristin to accompany Ben on a special mission to Phoenix. I am sure that I saw evidence of enemy activity when we were in Phoenix. However, I may have been misseled. (Or is that evidence of enema activity and I was misled?) Whatever.
We read of the Schlenske's car problems and our hearts went out to you. We knew the Mazda was barely clutching to life, but we did not expect her to betray you so quickly. Ben, I will try to call and tell you of a possible remedy.
One other report I must make: we are living rather closely with the Wilson crew and already it seems as though we are all family. (We scream at each other, trade insults, and just generally act like siblings.) But now to the news. Tara was divorced as of Nov. 30. That next week she was asked out at least three times. Mom and I undermined the first two dates she had by not being able to babysit until late. So the men in each case canceled the dinner plans, picked Tara up at 8:30 pm when we were home and the kids in bed (or was that vice versa?) and then she went out on the town until about 10:30 both times. (I think they went to Wal-mart for both dates.) But, hey, a shopping mall social life is better than no social life.
We are looking forward to getting home as I really do miss swimming every morning. Kirk has borrowed our camera, but I will try to get mom to load a picture or two for this site. In the meantime stay warm. I thought it was cold here, but then I read Kris' letter. It made me feel all warm inside and out. Our love to all of you.

1 comment:

  1. You blogged on the family blog! I have arrived!


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