Friday, July 14, 2006

Hi everyone, if you haven't heard, we are in the process of buying a home. If all goes well, we will close on the 19th and moving right away. Hopefully the baby will not want to come eary so that we will have time to unpack. I have been wanting to write and send pictures more, but things are very crazy right now. In fact, they sent Ben on a 6 day alert while I'm here trying to finalize and pack everything myself! I will not complain however, because I am so glad we have people willing to protect our country, even if it is a 70 ft. below ground deterent. Love you all.


  1. Holy Cow, Girl! How do you do it all? I wish you much better luck with your pregnancy and delivery and recovery than I had, so you can pack and unpack and whatnot. I hope that someday you end up transfered down here so that our babies can play together.

  2. I did not hear about the new house! Nice! I am excited for you. I wish I could take a couple weeks off and come help. Alas, that is not possible right now. But our prayers are with you. I am also grateful we have people willing to defend our country--I bet Israel would love to have Ben right now!

  3. Congratulations. Is this the Mold House????


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