Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Want to Laugh?

Here's a story for you (and I hope you can handle all the gory details). The preface to this story is that when I cough too much, I gag....a bit of info. you will need to know.

So, to celebrate New Year's, Daryl & I spent a lovely evening at Marc & Tara's...playing games and sampling sweets. Then, for the 2 minutes before countdown, we watched Dick Clark and the Ball drop. We toasted with sparkling grape juice, kissed our spouses, said Happy New Year...and Daryl & I headed home. On the way home I commented that the grape juice wasn't sitting to well in my tummy, but nothing major. We got home, and despite our extreme fatigue, felt we should open our own sparkling pear juice we purchased for the occasion. First, Daryl started boiling a little water on the stove so that afterward he could breath some melaleuca oil steam before bed (for his allergy-induced stuffy nose). So to make it official...we put on our "romantic wear" (if you know what i mean), got out our wedding gift goblets, and toasted with our pear juice. We took a sip. Then another sip....and mine went down the wrong pipe causing me to---yep---cough too much. I started gagging, then leaned over the kitchen sink and starting upchucking. Daryl, seeing the "toast" was over, just leaned over the stove and started breathing steam. Then, to add to the humor, I threw-up a little too hard....and peed down my own leg! So there we were....in our naughty undies...him leaning over the stove clearing his sinuses....me throwing up in the sink with urine down my leg. I can't imagine a sexier, more romantic New Year. Do they just keep getting better every year after your married? I doubt I'll forget it!

1 comment:

  1. I feel sorry for people that expect to live in a sappy fairy tail after they get married. What is worth remembering if everything is always perfect?

    Your experience was not only funny but reminded me that I am certainly not alone!


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