Tuesday, December 20, 2005


FYI---so far no signs of bacteria or infection. If nothing else pops up, Toby will be allowed to go home on Thursday morning. Let's all pray for that. I will be leaving work early again today to pick up Kyle from school and take him and Lily to spend time with their mom. I will sit with Toby for a while. Then I'll take Kyle & Lily home and stay with them until Tara gets home tonight. I am in the process of seeing if I can find someone to cover for me at work tomorrow so I can just take the whole day off to help out, so Tara won't have to shuffle Lily around and Marc won't have to miss anymore work (we can afford my missing work a lot more than they can afford Marc missing work.) I'm sure Tara will post on Toby's site again tonight when she gets home.

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