You have all probably read this already, but I thought I would post it just in case. The following update from Uncle Rex was forwarded by Mom and Dad on December 24th:
Dear Brothers, Dear Sisters,
We feel we should write to you about Daddy. We have seen in just the last few weeks a considerable decline in Daddy¹s stamina. (and all the synonyms apply: strength, energy, endurance, vigor etc.) These last few days he is sleeping most of the time, he eats very little, and he is noticeably weaker. It appears that the time we¹ve been praying for, when he can depart this mortal existence and join Mama in a better place, is drawing near. However, he may very well fool us. He has before. We have no way of predicting how long he might continue. It could be anywhere from a few days to several months but because of how rapidly he has weakened in the last two weeks we really don¹t think it will be months.
We surely love our Daddy. We only pray that his last days will be comfortable and his passing joyful.
With all our love,
Rex and Jo
I honestly can't imagine having better grandparents than Grandma and Grandpa Walker. We are a very blessed family.
Welcome to the David & Susan Benge family blog. This blog exists to share family news, whether it is interesting or not.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Darcee's Due Date
Did everyone scan carefully through the new calendars and see darcees due date? I know Cherrie and I did
Ok, for those of you who liked the previous post, here is a harder game. Instead of U.S. geography, this is African. The big countries are easy, but the little ones really throw your score. My first try though was 43/53 but my average error was 218 miles (in other words, when i got it wrong, I got it really wrong)... CLICK HERE TO TRY
Thursday, December 22, 2005

This will be (or already is) the new SchlenskeMobile. Ben emailed the picture to me.
And, yes, I am very jealous. I would really like one of these, but I haven't found one I can afford.
Ben or Kris, if you get a chance, tell me how you like your new vehicle. And, let me know where you looked. If we don't find something, we will have to strap Artaxerxes to the luggage rack. (Susan still does not like the name "Artaxerxes.")
Toby is home HIP HIP HOORAY
Toby and I arrived home from the hospital around 11 a.m. this morning. Wow it's nice to be here. Tobs can't wait for Kyle to get out of school, very soon. I'm going to update Toby's webpage with details. Thanks for those of you who signed his guestbook, I just looooved to read the entries, it's very encouraging and supportive.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Fun game (educational too!)
Try this game
Can you beat my score? I got 86%, avg error 34 miles, in 266 seconds.
Ok, I fixed the link... now it works!
Can you beat my score? I got 86%, avg error 34 miles, in 266 seconds.
Ok, I fixed the link... now it works!
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
During sunday school last sunday, someone made the comment that it was really sad that the government was "legally" keeping so many people (even American citizens) in prison without charges in Guantanamo Bay. I was thinking to myself that I couldn't agree more, when the majority of the people in the class disagreed! "These are Terrorists!" they said, "This is a new kind of war!"
Doesn't that seem like a pretty scary attitude? To think that you could be minding your own business, and then one day, BOOM! you are in prison, with no proof against you, no charges, and no set date for trial. Should nobody care because this is a "new type of war"? This point was brought up in the class, but people seemed to assume that "well, they would only arrest you if you were obviously involved, right?"... would they? If it were so "obvious", wouldn't there be charges brought against you?
Where do you draw the line between who gets charged with a crime and allowed a trial and who doesnt? What if I gave money to terrorists? NO TRIAL? What if I gave money to a charity that supported terrorists? Do I get a trial? What if I gave money to a Charity that I thought was legitimate, but it supported terrorists? Trial or not? What if I'm friends with a known terrorist? Would it matter if I were Christian, Buddhist or Muslim when determining if I got a trial?
Here is an excerpt from Mayer's They Thought They Were Free: The Germans 1933 - 1945
You can and should read the full original excerpt here.
"...What happened was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to be governed by surprise, to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believe that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security....
"..."You see," my colleague went on, "one doesn't see exactly where or how to move. Believe me, this is true. Each act, each occasion, is worse than the last, but only a little worse. You wait for the next and the next. You wait for the one great shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join with you in resisting somehow. You don't want to act, or even to talk, alone; you don't want to "go out of your way to make trouble." Why not? - Well, you are not in the habit of doing it. And it is not just fear, fear of standing alone, that restrains you; it is also genuine uncertainty.
"Uncertainty is a very important factor, and, instead of decreasing as time goes on, it grows. Outside, in the streets, in the general community, everyone is happy. One hears no protest, and certainly sees none. You know, in France or Italy there will be slogans against the government painted on walls and fences; in Germany, outside the great cities, perhaps, there is not even this. In the university community, in your own community, you speak privately to your colleagues, some of whom certainly feel as you do; but what do they say? They say, "It's not so bad" or "You're seeing things" or "You're an alarmist."
"And you are an alarmist. You are saying that this must lead to this, and you can't prove it. These are the beginnings, yes; but how do you know for sure when you don't know the end, and how do you know, or even surmise, the end? ...."
Should it make you nervous to live in a country where the president can authorize wiretaps on citizens without court approval, where citizens can be arrested and held indefinitely without charges filed or trials scheduled, and where the government secretly monitors antiwar groups and activist groups?
How does a frog in a pot of heating water know when to jump out? When is it too hot? Or does he just sit comfortably until it's too late?
Doesn't that seem like a pretty scary attitude? To think that you could be minding your own business, and then one day, BOOM! you are in prison, with no proof against you, no charges, and no set date for trial. Should nobody care because this is a "new type of war"? This point was brought up in the class, but people seemed to assume that "well, they would only arrest you if you were obviously involved, right?"... would they? If it were so "obvious", wouldn't there be charges brought against you?
Where do you draw the line between who gets charged with a crime and allowed a trial and who doesnt? What if I gave money to terrorists? NO TRIAL? What if I gave money to a charity that supported terrorists? Do I get a trial? What if I gave money to a Charity that I thought was legitimate, but it supported terrorists? Trial or not? What if I'm friends with a known terrorist? Would it matter if I were Christian, Buddhist or Muslim when determining if I got a trial?
Here is an excerpt from Mayer's They Thought They Were Free: The Germans 1933 - 1945
You can and should read the full original excerpt here.
"...What happened was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to be governed by surprise, to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believe that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security....
"..."You see," my colleague went on, "one doesn't see exactly where or how to move. Believe me, this is true. Each act, each occasion, is worse than the last, but only a little worse. You wait for the next and the next. You wait for the one great shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join with you in resisting somehow. You don't want to act, or even to talk, alone; you don't want to "go out of your way to make trouble." Why not? - Well, you are not in the habit of doing it. And it is not just fear, fear of standing alone, that restrains you; it is also genuine uncertainty.
"Uncertainty is a very important factor, and, instead of decreasing as time goes on, it grows. Outside, in the streets, in the general community, everyone is happy. One hears no protest, and certainly sees none. You know, in France or Italy there will be slogans against the government painted on walls and fences; in Germany, outside the great cities, perhaps, there is not even this. In the university community, in your own community, you speak privately to your colleagues, some of whom certainly feel as you do; but what do they say? They say, "It's not so bad" or "You're seeing things" or "You're an alarmist."
"And you are an alarmist. You are saying that this must lead to this, and you can't prove it. These are the beginnings, yes; but how do you know for sure when you don't know the end, and how do you know, or even surmise, the end? ...."
Should it make you nervous to live in a country where the president can authorize wiretaps on citizens without court approval, where citizens can be arrested and held indefinitely without charges filed or trials scheduled, and where the government secretly monitors antiwar groups and activist groups?
How does a frog in a pot of heating water know when to jump out? When is it too hot? Or does he just sit comfortably until it's too late?
FYI---so far no signs of bacteria or infection. If nothing else pops up, Toby will be allowed to go home on Thursday morning. Let's all pray for that. I will be leaving work early again today to pick up Kyle from school and take him and Lily to spend time with their mom. I will sit with Toby for a while. Then I'll take Kyle & Lily home and stay with them until Tara gets home tonight. I am in the process of seeing if I can find someone to cover for me at work tomorrow so I can just take the whole day off to help out, so Tara won't have to shuffle Lily around and Marc won't have to miss anymore work (we can afford my missing work a lot more than they can afford Marc missing work.) I'm sure Tara will post on Toby's site again tonight when she gets home.
Monday, December 19, 2005
UPDATE: It's Monday. Toby has no white blood cells to fight infection and has a fever. He was admitted to the hospital today. I am leaving work early to take over babysitting Lily and Kyle. I guess Toby should have been admitted on Friday, but the people at his chemo just said to watch him. When Tara called their regular nurse today, she was upset and said Tara needed to get him in ASAP. He is on several antibiotics and will be watched very closely. Just thought you all might want to know. I'll write again tomorrow if I know more. Tara's cell number is 602-578-2118. And the number to the hospital is 602-546-1000. Tara will also be home later tonight (7ish) after Marc is off work and "takes over" at the hospital.
PS Tara is updating his website, so go there. And Andrew....what a nice message you sent to Toby. I know he loves you too!
PS Tara is updating his website, so go there. And Andrew....what a nice message you sent to Toby. I know he loves you too!
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Nothing of importance
Just like most things I say, this has no point what so ever. I just am really bored here at work. I guess the only real news is that this is my last day at the extreamly boring and annoying coffee shop of death. No news yet as to if I got my hotel job. I hope I'll find out very soon. Thats it. I'd post a picture, but I don't have any, or the means by which to do it.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Benge Family Blog
It only took me two days to figure out how to send a blog! This is great fun. I am glad you look at this too Dev, because I have no contact information for you! How bad is that! So happy late birthday!
Darcee and Darryl, thanks for the calendar. We love it!
Everyone, we love you. It is freezing in North Dakota, but our hearts our warm because of great family and friends! I will try to get ben to get some art work on here. However, we are not up on technology, and don't have means of doing such things yet. Ben is quite sure we need to get some though. We'll see.
Darcee and Darryl, thanks for the calendar. We love it!
Everyone, we love you. It is freezing in North Dakota, but our hearts our warm because of great family and friends! I will try to get ben to get some art work on here. However, we are not up on technology, and don't have means of doing such things yet. Ben is quite sure we need to get some though. We'll see.
2005 Gift Guide
Are you still struggling to find that perfect gift for a for a loved one or mortal enemy? Struggle no longer! Dave Barry's 2005 gift guide is now available! Something for everyone, even if you aren't as handsome as Darcee's beau.
The link above is for his article in the Miami Herald, which has some hilarious pictures to go with it. You can also find a one page version in the Deseret News that skips the photos.
The link above is for his article in the Miami Herald, which has some hilarious pictures to go with it. You can also find a one page version in the Deseret News that skips the photos.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
My Husband is the best looking.

While re-reading what this blog site is for, I had the inspiration to begin the "best-looking" argument. Take a look at my Daryl. Try to top that one!! (And his wife aint half bad either)

Well, here I am working in the Virology laboratory and wondering how bureaucracies ever even function. Everybody is all worked up over killer bird flu, meanwhile our funding for influenza is less than ever.
Don't get me wrong, I think that in the long run all the hype over bird flu is good. There will eventually be a pandemic, and it will be terrible; the sooner we recognize that the better. I doubt though that a government solution will do much good however. What relavent and timely solutions could possibly come from a bureaucracy?
Here we are in one of the most talked about 'flu seasons ever, one year after the horrendous vaccine shortage, and they cut influenza funding once again. Two years ago our budget for influenza testing and surveillance was 10,000 dollars. Last year it was cut to 2,000, and for the year 2006.... $285! Just when everyone is starting to CARE about the flu!
If you are looking for a "killer 'flu" though, I have one for you... this year! We got our first confirmed flu cases a few weeks ago, and already I have confirmed at least three flu deaths for the medical examiner. Two infants today alone (both 5 months). Interestingly enough, I just got a sample from the medical examiner today fro, an infant from Fountain Green, with a last name I recognise.
I think it is a little ironic that the public can get so hyped-up about a potential disease threat like bird flu, while Utah ranks second-to-last in the nation for childhood immunization rates. Isn't that just a bit backward? I also think it is a bit funny that we are willing to spend so much time and money preparing for potential threats, while the people at the most risk for infection in our society are still unable to afford and/or understand the importance of simple vaccinations.
Media Bias?

I stumbled upon this image taken at the protest of Tookie Williams execution.
I thought this picture was great. Let me see... if I understand her correctly she is calling for the media to stop reporting straight facts, and start being a little more biased in their reporting. Brilliant!! Don't you think?
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
I just wanted to mention one more thing. I'm sure you have visited Toby's site. I love it. But, I have noticed that not many actually write in the guestbook. Tara and Toby, I am sure, would love to get little notes from you in there. I know Tara appreciates just knowing people checked the site. I thought you all might want to keep that in mind next time you check up on him.
Okay, Okay, I'll BLOG again!
I'm just a bit paranoid that if I have too many things written, you will know how much down time I have at work. Not that it's a secret or that I'm lazy. I'd like work...they just don't usually have much for me. My husband appreciates this blogging thing very much though, because it entertains me enough to keep me from sending him 5,000 emails in a day...and expect responses to them all. Now he just gets 15 or so.
Nikki called me. They are going to stop in Arizona during their relocation to Utah the first week of January. They will spend a night with us. I am excited. I haven't seen them in a year (almost last sighting of them---and many others---was at my reception).
Apologies to Dave & Susan. I found out 2 days too late of the arriving new one. I could have put the expected birthday on the calendar with all of the other birthdays. I will definitely write it in on my own. I recommend everyone else do the same when they open theirs.
Nikki called me. They are going to stop in Arizona during their relocation to Utah the first week of January. They will spend a night with us. I am excited. I haven't seen them in a year (almost last sighting of them---and many others---was at my reception).
Apologies to Dave & Susan. I found out 2 days too late of the arriving new one. I could have put the expected birthday on the calendar with all of the other birthdays. I will definitely write it in on my own. I recommend everyone else do the same when they open theirs.
All can rest easy, Devin is here
I don't have much to say right now. I had no idea that Dave and Susan were expecting. Congrats!
I quit my crap job and am now searching for another crap job. Finals are here, and thats about it. Just wanted to let everyone know I was alive.
P.S. If any of ya'll want to come visit me, I think you should. Heck, I might even be getting a job at a hotel. Maybe I can get discounts.
I quit my crap job and am now searching for another crap job. Finals are here, and thats about it. Just wanted to let everyone know I was alive.
P.S. If any of ya'll want to come visit me, I think you should. Heck, I might even be getting a job at a hotel. Maybe I can get discounts.
Touched by a Muse (or a Harpie)
I realize this is dumb, but since no one is posting anything I thought I would do some experimenting.
Here is my version of Sam's vision. I call it Boy With Blanket Preparing To Spank Ugly Monsters In A Colloseum. It is hard to tell if this is an exact duplicate of Sam's or not, so try not to be astounded when I tell you that is an original piece (except for the idea).
Ben, we need some of your art work. Bad. Or maybe just an update from anyone. Please.
Here is my version of Sam's vision. I call it Boy With Blanket Preparing To Spank Ugly Monsters In A Colloseum. It is hard to tell if this is an exact duplicate of Sam's or not, so try not to be astounded when I tell you that is an original piece (except for the idea).
Ben, we need some of your art work. Bad. Or maybe just an update from anyone. Please.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Is This Your Dream?
Have you ever had a dream like this? Me too. It is a nightmare, because even though I have a savage-looking mace-thingy, I just know the kid with the blanket is gonna cream me.

This is art work done by Sam Nielson, Susan's brother. He says he did this for a class and only took a couple of hours to do it. Whatever. I could take a month trying to draw this and it would basically be 3 stick figures on a white background. Sam does graphics for computer games, and his company was just purchased by Disney.
This is a drawing of his favorite food. And his wife, Marilyn. It is on the cover of a recipe book they gave us for Christmas, called "Marilyn's Chicken Soup For The Stomach." I love his style.

Ben, do you draw anymore? I'd love to have you put some of your art on here for us to appreciate (inasmuch as we are able to).

This is art work done by Sam Nielson, Susan's brother. He says he did this for a class and only took a couple of hours to do it. Whatever. I could take a month trying to draw this and it would basically be 3 stick figures on a white background. Sam does graphics for computer games, and his company was just purchased by Disney.
This is a drawing of his favorite food. And his wife, Marilyn. It is on the cover of a recipe book they gave us for Christmas, called "Marilyn's Chicken Soup For The Stomach." I love his style.

Ben, do you draw anymore? I'd love to have you put some of your art on here for us to appreciate (inasmuch as we are able to).
This is from Rick Benge. It looks like he got it from Don Chestnut, the fellow who has the website with all the cool stuff about the Benge family tree. Men, let us be men and offer up DNA for testing. Unless you are a criminal, this might be your only chance. But, it looks like you have to join and it is a little pricey.
I have not looked into this yet but figured I would pass the word if any of you are interested.
Donald Chesnut [] Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2005 1:51 PMTo: BENGE-L@rootsweb.comSubject: [BENGE] DNA project for Benge, Bench, Benjey, etc families
Greetings members,
We now have a DNA project for the Benge (var. spellings) family. At present, the project is for males because it is a Y-chromosome analysis only. You can find out more about it at ...
The surnames to be tested are: Benge, Bange, Binge, Bench, Bynge, Benjey, Bengey, Bing, Bunch and others. We should be able to determine whether or not any of these families are related. Please consider participating in this project. If you are a female, perhaps you can encourage your male relatives to participate. No blood is taken; cheeks are swabbed in order to collect cells for their DNA. One can collect the sample with a special kit in his home and mail the sample to the lab. First of all, read about it at the web site listed above. Contributions can also be made at the web site to help others participate in the study.
Merry Christmas,
I have not looked into this yet but figured I would pass the word if any of you are interested.
Donald Chesnut [] Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2005 1:51 PMTo: BENGE-L@rootsweb.comSubject: [BENGE] DNA project for Benge, Bench, Benjey, etc families
Greetings members,
We now have a DNA project for the Benge (var. spellings) family. At present, the project is for males because it is a Y-chromosome analysis only. You can find out more about it at ...
The surnames to be tested are: Benge, Bange, Binge, Bench, Bynge, Benjey, Bengey, Bing, Bunch and others. We should be able to determine whether or not any of these families are related. Please consider participating in this project. If you are a female, perhaps you can encourage your male relatives to participate. No blood is taken; cheeks are swabbed in order to collect cells for their DNA. One can collect the sample with a special kit in his home and mail the sample to the lab. First of all, read about it at the web site listed above. Contributions can also be made at the web site to help others participate in the study.
Merry Christmas,
Setting for the next family reunion!
I think this should be the setting for our next family reunion... what'dya think?
click HERE to see the BENGE GHOSTTOWN!
click HERE to see the BENGE GHOSTTOWN!
A pinch of David, a dash of Susan . . .

If you haven't already heard, Susan is pregnant with our umpteenth child. She is due sometime in the latter half of June. The picture is how we look now, before Artaxerxes is born in June. Susan does not like the name Artaxerxes.
Whenever Susan and I cook up another child you can tell we only have two molds: boy and girl. But, I still think the recipe produces some fine children.
Unsavory spices
I should mention some brief news that happened to us on Saturday that spiced up our life. Our sewer backed up. Tree roots apparently disrupted the flow from our house to the main sewer line, a problem common to older homes.
We were extremely fortunate, though, to have two alert boys who quickly noticed what was wrong. They were playing Stratego in their room when they heard gurgling sounds and decided to check it out. They opened the furnace room door and saw sewage coming up through the drain, and immediately came and told me about it. We made sure no more water drained until Roto Rooter came and took care of the clog. It stained some of the floor in the boys' room and in the bathroom, which is about a thousand times--and a thousand dollars--better than 2 inches of sewage everywhere. Isaac and Gideon averted a disaster.
We had a carpet cleaner come to clean and disinfect in the afternoon, and Susan and I were able to go to the Nielson Christmas party by the evening. I hope we have many bland days to come.
The Devin is in the details.
Someone, please comment and give me Devin's e-mail, please. I don't seem to have it, and I can't invite him without it.
News from Kirk and Cherrie
OK, so the great news at the Kirk & Cherrie Benge house is this: there is no news.
OK, OK, seriously. I have my last final for the semester on Wednesday, thank goodness to be done with one semester! Although I must say, masters programs are SOOOO much better than undergraduate programs.
I finished my rabies vaccination regimen, so now I get to cut open animal brains every-day looking for rabies. So whenever you hear on the news about someone getting bitten by a dog, just remember that it's severed head will soon be in my qualified hands.... try not to think about it during lunch.
In other news, it seems that KC is continuing to get fat, but at least he is attempting now to crawl and I hope the exercise d0es him good. Kianna still considers herself a princess, and Cherrie is doing fine. Cherrie is a bit upset though as it appears we have either lost or misplaced our digital camera. So those of you used to getting 50-100 pictures a week from her will just have to do without for a while. :)
Merry Christmas
OK, OK, seriously. I have my last final for the semester on Wednesday, thank goodness to be done with one semester! Although I must say, masters programs are SOOOO much better than undergraduate programs.
I finished my rabies vaccination regimen, so now I get to cut open animal brains every-day looking for rabies. So whenever you hear on the news about someone getting bitten by a dog, just remember that it's severed head will soon be in my qualified hands.... try not to think about it during lunch.
In other news, it seems that KC is continuing to get fat, but at least he is attempting now to crawl and I hope the exercise d0es him good. Kianna still considers herself a princess, and Cherrie is doing fine. Cherrie is a bit upset though as it appears we have either lost or misplaced our digital camera. So those of you used to getting 50-100 pictures a week from her will just have to do without for a while. :)
Merry Christmas
Darcee Was Here!!!
I feel important....being the first to blog after Dave's invite. Ummmm....that's all I guess. Oh...your Christmas presents went out in the mail today. Save them for Christmas! Bret & Dev...yours went to mom's house. OH, and one more thing. Mom, did you forget to call me and tell me something? Congrats, Dave & Susan! When are you due?
Welcome, Benge family! I was hoping this would replace gigs of emails and allow us a place of our own. I will be inviting you all soon. It should be a simple way to share family news, post pictures, plan get togethers, argue and offend each other, etc.
I am no professional blogger (nor do I play one on T.V.), but I hope you will all join and visit often, and hopefully it will be a benefit to us all. If not, then I will cry myself to sleep, firm in the knowledge that I am an utter failure.
By the way, don't be alarmed if the look and feel changes from time to time. I will be expiramenting with the site. If you don't like something, just let me know and I will ignore your request. Also, let me know if there other links we should add.
I am no professional blogger (nor do I play one on T.V.), but I hope you will all join and visit often, and hopefully it will be a benefit to us all. If not, then I will cry myself to sleep, firm in the knowledge that I am an utter failure.
By the way, don't be alarmed if the look and feel changes from time to time. I will be expiramenting with the site. If you don't like something, just let me know and I will ignore your request. Also, let me know if there other links we should add.
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