Hello to everyone. Hope you guys are well. We are too. I just had an ultrasound and we found out that we are going to have another baby "BOY". Everybody thought that the baby was a "GIRL" except KC. He was right. Kianna was kinda disappointed as well as nanay haha, but we surely are excited to see the baby in February. So far, the baby has two legs, two arms and one head hahaha.The baby is healthy. KC was funny because when they started the ultrasound, the first thing they did was to put the gel on my belly and KC saw it and he said really loud "Why are they putting HAIR gel on your belly Mommy?" (He cracked us up! ) Oh well, As soon as they touch the equipment to my belly the very first thing that showed on the screen was the baby's butt with a penis(titi) very obvious .Here is the ultrasound picture...You guys take care
PS. If you can figure out what you are looking at here, the "manhood" is apparent.