A request:
So, I've always thought the blog was a great idea, but I haven't been great about using it much. I decided the other day that I would post something at least once a week to update everyone on the happenings of our family. Perhaps because winter is coming on, or is actually here in North Dakota, I am feeling lonely for all of you and would really like to know more of what goes on in your lives. I also really like to show our kids pictures of extended family. Hence, I am requesting that all of you post more often, for my sake. I miss all of you.
With that said, let me tell you of our happenings. We are still working on our house, and even though with wind chill it has been below 0 degrees nearly every day this week, with snow, we still have a hold in our living room wall and are trying to figure out what to do with it! We have plastic and other things piled in front of it to keep cold out in the meantime. Ben has been working in the missle capsule a ton lately, he upgraded to a commander, and then comes home and tries to get as much done as possible when he is off. Sadly, it looks like his work load is going to increase even more. The Air Force is trying to save money and has decided to have the missleers go on alerts for 3 nights (four days) at a time, with little break between alerts. We are hoping to survive such a schedule. In the meantime we enjoy every moment Ben is here. The band of brothers are thriving. Little Ben is a smiley guy and becomes more fun every day. I am homeschooling the others and Jeffrey sure loves it. He is technically in Kindergarten, but I must brag on him - he is doing 2nd grade math and is reading superbly right now. He is loving to learn and is usually quite easy to teach. We go over to a friends house a few days a week, and teach our children together. It is demanding, but fun. William is still William. He is either the sweetest kid on earth, or else causing all the mischief. He has quite the orginazational brain. He is doing quite well reading now too. Abel is the joker of the family and the dramatic child. Dallin is sweet as always, but has the occasional 1 1/2 year old tantrums.
I'll stop there because I'm taking up too much time and room.
We love you all!