so, i emailed this to most of you...but i thought i'd put it on the blog too. i don't have time to get to it often, but i got an extra hour on my computer at the library tonight (but i do need to get out of here and get home for some FOOD! i'm starving....so no haiku tonight....that would take me---like----24 hours or something.)
anyway, pregnancy is not my favorite thing. maybe i'm just too old....or maybe no one ever talks about it...but i have swollen feet, ankles, legs and hands...i have no bladder control, my throat hurts all the time from the acid reflux, i've started snoring terribly and it wakes me up (in addition to the many times i wake up to urinate), i get migraines often, and of course, my back problems are gradually worsening----and all this when i'm only 4 1/2 months along. i thought i'd at least make it BEYOND the 1/2-way mark before all this set it. i'd say i hate it, but i can't. i know that when little boy johnson arrives, i won't care at all what i went through. so here is my 4 month size. i'll update it when my waist is even larger than it's current 44 inches.
daryl is well. he is SUCH a HARD WORKER! he has put in a sprinkler system and now planted grass....which we are hoping the birds won't eat all of (the stinky manure isn't covering the seed as well as we had hoped) he's chopped down several trees....unwanted or dead, he's done lots and lots of other yard work....cleaning up the mess that we moved in to (for those of you who remember our yard when we moved to new plymouth....ours here was much like it....all weeds, lots of toys and treasures all over in the dirt.....no plants that had been watered or taken care of all....and a whole lot of cigarrette butts everywhere), he works full-time and goes to school on tuesday evenings, plus he does laundry, dishes and other household chores on a regular basis due to my prenatal ailments. what a guy. and i think that's the update from our home. i gotta go. i'm gonna have to log off this computer and go use the library restroom!!!!!!! surprise surprise