Tuesday, February 13, 2018

A Young Fish Swims into a Bar ...

... and the bartender asks "Shouldn't you be in school?"

One of my favorite experiences was when Mom discovered that her cousin had a missionary in Taiwan. That was a neat experience for me. We second cousins made sure we got together before we came home. (He married a church member from Taiwan and is a physician in Cananda now.)

Today at work, signs in the lunch room encouraged us to download the FamilySearch Tree app to our phone. (It is best if you turn GPS on). There is an option to see relatives that also have the application nearby.

When I turned the feature on, it asked to let me know who my cousins are here at the ROB. When identified, it shows the lineage of both of you. First one up is Toby Lee Youngberg, son of Janet and Vaughn Youngberg. Well! I don't remember them too well, but his Grandma, Evelyn, is my Grandma Vera's sister. He is my second cousin.

It showed me something like 65 relatives here. It goes up to 9th cousins, which is way way way way back, long before Joseph Smith, but even that is interesting.

One that surprised me a bit and probably shouldn't have is Frank Pellett, one of my team members. We are "only" 6th cousins, but he comes from my Grandpa Benge's side of the family, not the traditional "pioneer" stock lines, so that was kind of cool to see.

I recommend my children try it out. Hannah can check out relatives at church and work. Isaac could compare golfers and their lineage. Gideon could check out all the women he is chasing to make sure there aren't any "spotted calves" when he has children, etc.

OK. Why not. Here are some more Esther (and Rachel) pictures. Warning: she likes silly pictures. (If my younger children want to see what I posted yesterday, it is here.)

Four princesses.
Don't fergit me party, laddie!
One ... singular sensation ...
Even a stick can be silly.

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